A Lava planet - Redesign of Troni


After browsing around my computer looking for something to distract myself with, I found the files for an old planet I had made in the past, Troni. It was definetly not the best, in fact, it was extremly ugly. I hadn't done nice photoshop stuff in quite a while, so I decided to give a shot to redesigning it.

The planet

The planet lies very close to its parent star, with one face in perpetual daylight and the other in perpetual night. This is called a Tidally-Locked Planet, and in our Solar System it can only be found on moons (Like Earth's!)

The proximity to its star is not what causes its hellish appareance, but a recent impact crater. Cracks have formed in the surface, and the north regions of the planet are unrecognizable compared to how it was before the impact. A giant lake of molten rock now occupies that space, and is surrounded by a mountain chain. A giant circular crack can be seen on the night side of the planet, being the only thing that can be seen on the darkness-filled hemisphere.

The night side of the planet, though can't be seen, does have special geological features, mainly a giant icecap covering most of the hemisphere.

The dark side of the planet with illumination.

Though it might appear like a menacing planet, it's actually quite small, barely as big as the Moon is.

Troni compared with a Earth-sized planet (In this case, Kerbin from KSP)


With this, this planet has had two redesigns. The first one actually being something I made, replacing a texture export from SpaceEngine.

2015's, 2017's and 2022's versions of Troni


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